…it has indeed been a wonderful birthday for me! It began last week with the putting in of tiles on the floor of my rondavel. I now have a clean, waterproof (kind-of) floor in my little home. Ausi Mathabo, ‘M’e Mantsohle and ‘M’e Kebone helped me with the tiling, and a good but messy time was had by all.

On Friday, two volunteers slept at my house, Andrea from Butte Butte and Kimiko from Quthing. We had a lovely evening meal of beans and potatoes, laughed, exchanged Peace Corps stories and generally relaxed.

The next day we headed for Katse Lodge up in the mountains. We spent the day hiking and walking through the dam’s lovely botanical gardens.

At night we “luxuriated” in the hot showers and “vegged” in front of the T.V.!!

We wanted to take a boat ride around the dam, but didn’t get to it…maybe next time. Of course, there’s so much to see in Lesotho that we may not make it back there.
Finally, the best news of all…THE BOOKS HAVE ARRIVED IN MASERU!!! I received a call late last night telling me that they are in and ready to be distributed. Milcah and I will go to Maseru tomorrow to fetch them. It is my hope that there will be some “left-overs” that we can get for Lepholisa
A memorial service will be held next Tuesday for ‘M’e Mapalesa at Renekeng Primary School; her funeral will be next Saturday, April 23rd. at her home in Hlotse. She is so missed at Renekeng. It’s difficult for all of us to enter the teachers’ room without thinking of her or hearing her singing in the distance. Easter break begins next week, and I shall have business to take care of in Maseru, Morija and Bloomfontein. I will do all that I can to insure that I’ll be back in time for Saturday’s funeral. As difficult as this recent tragedy has been, the Renekeng teachers are settling down and beginning to accept her absence.
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