Sunday, March 14, 2010

Loss and good neighboors - February 14,2010

Happy Valentine's Day to all! I lost my wallet yesterday...somewhere between my friend, Kaye's house and my house...Peace Corps I.D., 500 Rand, a Lesotho bank card, etc. Oh well, such is life; I guess I'll really be skimping on food this month; luckily, I've made a lot of Basotho friends, most of whom have gardens. It's times like these when I really appreciate the fact that I love vegetables! Anyway, other than the wallet loss, the day was pleasant...spent the morning washing and hanging clothes and then went to a school meeting at a private school to discuss the arrival of their new library. Since today is Sunday, I shall venture into Maputsoe tomorrow to report the loss of my cards at the bank.

2/17/10 - Kaye just called me to tell me a little girl just brought all my cards to money, no wallet, but all the cards are back!

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